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Spinach Salad with Blueberries and Lime Vinaigrette

I was eager to start cooking new things this week, and it turned out that today was the day to start! Yesterday, I left my workout in south Austin knowing I had to eat something quick and light for lunch. Some fast food joints crossed my mind, but I crossed them off my list because what I would have ordered would not have been healthy. Ah ha! I was driving south to north, so a stop at First & Oltorf to get a yummy Southwest Chicken salad from Baby Greens was in order. On my way home, I kept thinking how I needed to look up a recipe that would be just as good as their Tangy Lime Vinaigrette!

Today I started searching the net. The recipe I finally settled on had no cilantro (a lot of them do! ew!) and it was a sure winner citing balsamic vinegar on the ingredients list. I knew it wouldn't be a copycat of the Baby Greens Tangy Lime, but I was still quite eager to try it.

It was very quick and easy to shop for. I couldn't find any fresh mint at my local HEB. Since it was late, I just skipped it.

This recipe was very easy to make. It didn't dirty hardly any dishes. I GOT TO USE MY NEW LEMON JUICER!!! It worked flawlessly, simply, quickly, easily. I don't know why anyone would buy a smaller juicer just for limes. I also knew how to use it properly because Amy taught me several weeks ago!

As I took a picture of it, I couldn't wait to dig in. Mmmmm! It was so good! Even better than the picture. This will definitely be a repeat. I paired it with some homemade leftover artichoke, mushroom, pepperoni pizza (originally was going to be grilled chicken until I saw the leftovers), warmed sourdough bread and some Tangerine Pomegranate juice. If only I would eat this healthy every day!

4 cups (about 4 ounces) baby spinach
1/4 cup mint leaves
juice of 1/2 lime
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon chopped shallot
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1/2 cup fresh blueberries

1. Place the spinach in a large mixing bowl. Stack the mint leaves and cut them crosswise into thin strips. Toss in with spinach.

2. For the dressing, combine the lime juice, vinegar, shallot, and salt in a small bowl. Whisk in the oil. Season to taste with pepper.

3. Pour the dressing over the greens, tossing to coat lightly. Divide the dressed spinach among 4 salad plates. Sprinkle the blueberries over the spinach. Serve immediately.

Serves 4.


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Comments (3)


Most excellent antioxidants for your post workout recovery!!

That sounds yummy - and really refreshing! I love blueberries.


I have found a yummy salad dressing for Spinach and Strawberry salad (inspired by the salad at your wedding) that I'll have to share with you. You don't like cilantro either!! Alright!!! I'll have to try out your recipe too!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 30, 2006 10:49 PM.

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