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Well-Done Burgers Done Well

Jay has a new grill, so I have been trying to find opportunities to use it. I found a yummy sounding recipe in Cook's Illustrated that I wanted to try for making medium-well to well-done burgers. The point of the recipe was that you can cook your meat well and have a tasty, juicy burger in the end. Well, it worked! I don't think there's anything in the recipe that we would have changed. We used hamburger meat from HEB that was free with a coupon. We had sharp cheddar cheese melted on top and used Pepperidge Farm Premium Bakery Rolls (the whole wheat version) for buns.

We had a little friend over for the evening, so I thought hamburgers would be more kid friendly than the other recipes I'd been planning for the week. We also baked some frozen french fries in the oven that were leftover from my birthday party. Everything was so yummy!! (Jay even raved about the burgers to his coworkers the next day!)


Sara couldn't wait to work with the raw meat.


Sara helped me mix up the meat with the other ingredients.


Jay was our backyard chef, and did an excellent job with the burgers!


Sara found some cute potholders given to us by Jay's parents.


  • Well-Done Burgers Done Well (Cook's Illustrated #81, August 2006, p. 20-21)


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Comments (1)

Sweet BBQ! Mmm, those burgers look tasty.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 18, 2006 4:35 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Million Dollar Baked Chicken and Spinach Stuffing.

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