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Tomato Tortellini Soup

This is the first recipe I tried out of "Cooking at the Café." It sounded simple, yummy and like it wouldn't take all day. It still took all day, but that's just me and my (Kosher-style!) cooking.

I couldn't find any fresh or frozen tortellini so I went with dried tortellini. I'm not sure I cooked the veggies right as they still had a little crunch to them. Well, the celery did. However, how often am I eating fresh homemade soup? Maybe it's just fine. Regardless, it tasted fresh and was delicious! Looking into the pot with all the veggies and tomato smells coming up, it reminded me of pizza. I'm guessing this is a tad more healthy.

As suggested, I made a salad and had some warm crusty bread with it, but I didn't even touch the salad or bread til I was done with my soup. That soup was definitely a meal in itself and I probably shouldn't have eaten the additional side dishes!

I looked up instructions on freezing soups, and learned that pasta in soups doesn't freeze very well. So I fished out all the tortellini and put it into a separate bowl for the fridge. It ended up being dinner. (and a fantastic one at that. Give me leftovers everyday if they're this good!!!) The rest went into the freezer. It'll be interesting to see if it's just as good later!


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Comments (2)

Mmm, that sounds really good. I have a bit of an obsession with making soups.


Good to know about pasta soups not freezing well. Will keep that little tidbit in the back of my mind until it's time to make soup here in CA:)

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