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Salmon Burgers with Crispy Potatoes

I love love love salmon burgers, so when I found a recipe, I decided to try making these at home! They were pretty tasty, but just not the same as when I've had them in a restaurant. I'll have to find out what their secret is.

I also made one of the sauces that came with the recipe, but instead of parsley and thyme for the herbs, I used dill and thyme. The dill flavoring was very strong! Other options suggested were basil, cilantro (ick!), mint (erm...), or tarragon.

The crispy potatoes were quite simple. The bigger they were, the more likely it was that they'd fall apart. The salt didn't seem to stick to them very well, so I just added more later. If you use very small potatoes, they should turn out perfect!

This was my first cooking experience to make it to Kitchen F#!% Ups!

  • Salmon and Tuna Burgers (Cook's Illustrated, Summer 2006, p. 54)
  • Crowd-Pleasing Crispy Potatoes (Fine Cooking, January 2007, p.44)


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The thing was, even if it didn't look quite right, I thought it was still pretty yummy.

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