Amy recommended these to me. We almost made them on our trip to Twinland, but we couldn't find crystallized ginger locally and we ran out of time. I decided to make them while visiting friends in Memphis over Christmas. During a trip to Wild Oats (which is now owned by Whole Foods), we looked for the ginger in the bulk food section, but they were out! I ended up finding bags of it elsewhere. I actually found organic crystallized ginger in two different places, but the price difference was astounding! Finding ground ginger was even more difficult because they were out of it in their popular spice brand bottle and in their spice bulk section. Eventually I found a bottle of it. I guess ginger is popular around the holidays!
We cooked these late on Christmas Day. The only odd thing about this recipe was that it said you could use a 1 Tbs cookie scoop to make the balls, a small ice cream scoop, or two tablespoons. Your tool of choice for this matter definitely impacts the yield! It said about 4 dozen cookies and we got 23. These cookies turned out perfect!
We cooked a lot over the visit. While staying there nearly a week, we only went out to eat once, and that was to Tejas de Brazil. Yum yum yum! I made multigrain pancakes and the apple topping, and the braised chicken with anchovies. I also purchased a account (and already had a one) so now I don't have to have any of my magazines with me when wanting to cook something special.
One of the great things about visiting my friend in Memphis was learning some tips from her on food. She buys a lot of her food at Wild Oats from the bulk section and stores it in big containers in her pantry. Instead of pure cane sugar, she usually uses raw sugar, but she has containers for both. She made lots of cookies and fudge and separated them into colorful tissue papered tins to hand out to neighbors and friends. She also asked me for rosemary from my garden so she could grow her own. I'm glad I brought a lot of rosemary because we used it quite a bit in our cooking! Looking online, I learned that there are better ways to get a cutting to grow roots, and I also learned some tips for keeping rosemary healthy.
- Double Ginger Crackles (Fine Cooking, issue 75, p.45)
Comments (4)
I can't believe I haven't made these yet! Great photo. Photos of cookies are difficult.
I love the online Fine Cooking subscription too!
Posted by Sheri | December 28, 2007 2:19 PM
Posted on December 28, 2007 14:19
Last night I spent some time with my off camera flashes and macro box taking photos of toys and a bottle of bourbon. I realized it was probably a good environment for my cookies, too. Sure enough, the pictures came out excellent! I was so impressed that when I zoomed in to 100% on the photo, you could see each piece of sugar so sharp. I guess that's what you get when you use a tripod and good lighting! (Something I'm not going to do when dinner is ready to be eaten!!)
I'd really like to improve my food photography skills. Fortunately I can look at my cooking magazine photos for ideas! I've also found one food photography blog, but I haven't found tons of information out there for food specifically.
Posted by Julia | December 28, 2007 4:59 PM
Posted on December 28, 2007 16:59
Very yummy
Posted by Boy | December 29, 2007 1:24 PM
Posted on December 29, 2007 13:24
This is one of my all-time favorite cookie recipes! I wish we had gotten to make them together:( But look what a great job you did!
One of my favorite gadgets (well, 2 favorites) are old-fashioned, spring-loaded ice cream scoops.
I'm so glad you got to cook with your friend. I have learned a lot from cooking with Sheri. Plus, it's fun!
Posted by Amy | December 31, 2007 10:13 PM
Posted on December 31, 2007 22:13