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Butternut Squash Soup with Apple & Bacon

Christmas dinner was held at my house. I've never hosted a large dinner at home before, and we were going to have 14 people!! I went to the trusted source, finecooking.com for menu ideas. Right on the front page were ideas for holiday dinner main dishes, side dishes, drinks, desserts. There were a number of menus to try, so I picked one and started planning. I wanted to have a great soup, and decided to make the Butternut Squash Soup with Apple and Bacon.

Because we were having 14, I decided to make two batches of soup. Unfortunately, I had to make the batches serially instead of all at the same time. Some day I will have all the right sized cookware!

There was lots of butternut squash chopping, which is what seemed to take the most time. I did make a mistake by not adding enough broth. I realized this during the second batch when I still had a can or two extra which didn't make sense. So I added the missing broth to the second batch and when batches one and two were combined, the consistency was perfect.

This soup was absolutely delicious! Something I would make over and over again. This recipe is freely available on finecooking.com.


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Comments (4)


Holy Crap that is some gorgeous soup!!! I know it tasted as good as it looks. GOOD JOB!


Thanks Amy! It was just as good as it looks! Of everything I made that day, I was most proud of how awesome the soup was. It was the only item that had no leftovers and there was plenty to go around. Yum.

Jay Weinshenker:

I still dream of that soup. Really.



I made this soup again yesterday and brought the dish to a friend's house for dinner. I made it vegetarian by using vegetable broth instead of chicken broth and olive oil instead of bacon. Whole foods sells broth in exact 4 cup containers which was absolutely perfect for this soup!

This soup was still EXCELLENT without any meat!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 13, 2009 6:10 PM.

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